The On The Table Evanston 2018 dinner will be at Evanston Township High School on May 8. Anyone and everyone who cares about Evanston is invite. That said, seating is limited, so if you want to come, sign up soon. Click here to RSVP and for other additional information.
March 2018
Tell me and my colleagues HERE.
Below I ask again, but more graciously, and explain why it matters.

What do you believe? I'd like to know. Others would like to know. Really.
In the works for mid-May is an On The Table Evanston dinner. I hope you’ll come. I’m one of its organizers, on behalf of the Rotary Club of Evanston. My co-organizer is Joi-Anissa Russell, Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Moran Center for Youth Advocacy. The exact date, time and place for this meal has yet to be determined. The point of this gathering is to get neighbors talking, listening and thinking about the issues that matter to them, as well as inspire new relationships and collaboration in the Evanston area.
How lovely would it be to break down some of the us vs. them perceptions that creep into the way we think?
Joi-Anissa and I don’t pretend to know everything, so we’re asking for guidance.
Here’s what we want to know: What topic(s) would you be most interested in exploring with community members at this meal? What is on your mind regarding the larger Evanston community and your specific neighborhood?
Please answer HERE. Note that if you give us your email address, we’ll make sure you get an invitation to what we expect to be a rare, very interesting event. Thank you.
Terry Mazany, Chicago Community Trust's former President and CEO reflects on his takeaways: Listening with Courage and Compassion: Lessons from On the Table